F - The general screen
  • 14 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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F - The general screen

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Article summary

The main screen (front office), allows access in one click to the different sections of Fastmag:

The buttons in the purple frame allow you to navigate through the different menus and modules, depending on the levels granted (only levels 4 and 5 have access to the management module by default, this is configurable and therefore modifiable):

  • Login: to log out and return to the login screen
  • Sale: go to the sales screen (the screen shown above)
  • History: access to sales history (+ reservations / orders and quotes)
  • Reports: access to operational reports and back office functions used in store
  • Clocking: User attendance declaration screen
  • Management: access to the brand's back office functions, the CRM program, reporting and analysis, and brand configuration
  • Trade: access to the Trading module
  • News: information, news and tips and tricks about Fastmag
  • Assistance: allows you to make a ticket to support, and self-training

The buttons are visible depending on the access settings of the logged-in user.

Similarly, the functions of the "States " menu each require specific levels of access. Thus, a number in front of the menu name indicates the minimum level of access necessary to be able to access it:

When the user needs to access several screens at the same time, it is possible to open several windows or several tabs in parallel. On the other hand, do not use the same login information (sign / store / login / password) if they are requested again, as this would have the effect of disconnecting the user. 

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